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EMMA Leadership
- Director
- Associate Director
Executive Board
- Executive board responsibilities:
- EMMA finances
- Operational decisions
- Approval of policies and partnerships
- Approval of changes to membership fees
- Promoting EMMA in higher education venues
- Eight members (in addition to the Director and Associate Director) initially appointed by the Director, thereafter by the Executive Board, from individuals at member institutions
- Terms in office:
- 2 years, with some 1-year appointments initially, to set up a rotation so that all seats don’t become vacant at the same time.
- July 1 – June 30
- Board members may be re-appointed for an unlimited number of terms
- Officers of the board:
- Chair
- Secretary (duties include minuting meetings)
- Director and Associate Director are ex officio (voting)
- Frequency of meetings:
- Twice a year
- Additional ad hoc meetings if needed
- Quorum for meetings is a majority of Board members (five or more)
- Voting is by a simple majority of Board members present
- Means of meeting:
- May be by videoconference, telephone, or in person
- The size, makeup, and rules of the Executive Board may be changed at any time with the approval of EMMA’s members
Technical Advisory Committee
- Technical Advisory Committee responsibilities:
- Review EMMA functionality
- Provide suggestions and guidance for technical development
- Track relevant standards and technologies
- Suggest new features, tools, etc.
- Eight members, appointed by the Executive Board (may include experts who are not at member institutions)
- Term in office:
- 2-year term, with some 1-year appointments initially, to set up a rotation so that all seats don’t become vacant at the same time.
- July 1 – June 30th
- Committee members may be re-appointed for an unlimited number of terms
- Officers of the Committee:
- Chair
- Secretary (responsibilities include minuting meetings)
- Frequency of meetings:
- Meetings twice a year
- Additional ad hoc meetings as needed
- Quorum for meetings is a majority of the Technical Advisory Board
- Voting is by a simple majority of Technical Advisory Board members present
- Means of meeting:
- May be by videoconference, telephone, or in person
- The size, makeup, and rules of the Technical Advisory Committee may be changed at any time by a vote of the Executive Board