This is the public web site for a project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, in which several universities and large repositories are collaborating to create a service for sharing Educational Materials Made Accessible (EMMA) for those with print disabilities. If you would like to see what the EMMA service looks like, you can search it here:
though you won’t be able to upload or download without an account.
The purpose of this project and the infrastructure we are creating is to reduce the duplication of effort in disability service offices at colleges and universities across the United States, and thereby to enable faster, better service for those needing accessible learning materials.
The university partners on the pilot phase of this project were George Mason University, Northern Arizona University, Vanderbilt University, Texas A&M University, the University of Illinois, the University of Virginia, the University of Wisconsin, and Ohio State University. Current repository partners are the Internet Archive and the Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE). The principle investigator is John Unsworth, University Librarian and Professor of English at the University of Virginia, and the project manager is Kristin Jensen. Jeff Heatwole, now retired, is a former co-manager of the project.
If you’d like to be notified when EMMA is ready for broader use, please email